
영성과 지성을 겸비한 천일국의 지도자 양성의 요람! 선학UP대학원대학교


Comprehensive Exam [Master/D.Min Course]

작성일 12-03-26 00:00   /   조회 129,736


Comprehensive Exam

(Master/D. Min Course)


1. Program

가. Period: Apr. 13th(Fri) 2012, PM 13:00~16:50

1) TP studies PM 13:00~13:50

2) CIG Spirituality PM 14:00~14:50

3) Church Mgt. PM 15:00~15:50

4) Major subject PM 16:00~16:50

(Choose subject of your major)


나. Place: Main Building room 212


다. Direction of Exam.

1) Confirm your exam subject of major.

-major: 2 subjects, non major: 2 subjects

(Choose from the past selected subjects)

-Inform the CSGST office beforehand if you don't have any selected course

2) Please enter the exam hall in time.

- Fill up the A3 paper within the designated time.

3) Passing grade: 80 points out of 100 points

4) You have to enter the room 5 min. to the time. (Do not bring in cellphones/bags to the room, only writing implements)


청심신학대학원대학교 교무처

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  • 구글플러스로 보내기

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콘텐츠 관리 담당: 교무학생처 031-589-1500

경기도 가평군 설악면 미사리로 324-211 선학UP대학원대학교 / 전화 : 031-589-1500 / 팩스 : 031-589-1559
SunHak Universal Peace Graduate University
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