
영성과 지성을 겸비한 천일국의 지도자 양성의 요람! 선학UP대학원대학교


Examination of Thesis

작성일 12-04-09 00:00   /   조회 138,787


Examination of Thesis

(2012. 4. 9)

I. Master Course

1. Student: Master 4th, Complete.


2. Period: 2012. Apr. 9 ~ 13


3. Process: Submitting 1)~3) to student affairs office

1) Application of Examining thesis/dissertation(get a signature from counseling professor)

2) Prejudging Thesis/Dissertation 3 volumes

3) Receipt of Examining fee: 200,000won

Wooribank 1005-301-213155, Account holder:청심신학대학원대학교,

Depositor Note - ex)Name, Amount of money


4. Preparing 10 copies of Thesis(A4 size, more than 5pages)


5. Master Course Thesis Examination Schedule

1)Thesis Examination Committee Selection: 4/17(Tue)

2)Thesis Public Presentation: 4/26(Thur)

3)Submission of Corrected Thesis: 6/8(Fri)

4)Thesis Examination: 6/11~15(Mon~Fri)

5)Successful Thesis Candidates Decided: 6/15(Fri)

6)Bookbinding Thesis Submitting: 2012. 7. 6(Fri)


* Please make sure to meet the deadlines!


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SunHak Universal Peace Graduate University
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