Prov. Field Research Seminar (script recruitment)
Recruitment of manuscripts for
Providential Field Research Seminar
□ What is Providential Field Research Seminar?
- Seminar for the development of the providential/ministry fields through better communication with the providential field/arena through thesis presentations.
- Pending issues, educational issues of the field, etc.
□ Qualified presenters: Enrolled students
□ Recruitment process
1) Recruitment of manuscripts: March 28th, 2012 (Notice on the school website)
2) Screening of the presentation plan by the seminar committee
3) Final selection of the presenter(s) & Announcement of the seminar date
□ Thesis theme
- Free writing related to providential/ministry field
- Must be unpublished, individual work
□ Content requirements (for the presenters)
1) Production of thesis through the Korean program (Hangeul 97, or later).
2) Table of contents on the first page.
3) Abstract in Korean and English within half the length of an A4 sized paper.
4) Please suggest topic key words in Korean and English (five words each).
5) Annotations/comments in the footnotes, a list of references on the last page.
6) Only the references actually used in the thesis are to be listed (Korean literature mentioned first, then the foreign ones). The name of the authors should be listed in alphabetical order.
7) Please refer to the Cheongshim collection of treatises for the required thesis format (footnote styles, font size, etc.).
□ Registration and inquiry
- Prof. Hyun Jin Lim / Tel.(031-589-1538) /
- Section leader Mi Seong Oh / Tel.(031-589-1552) /
- san 102, Songsan-ri, Seolak-myon, Gapyeong-gun, Gyeonggi-do,
CheongShim graduate school of Theology Administration Office
게재된 자료의 내용 또는 운영에 대한 개선 사항이 있을 시 자료관리 담당자에게 연락하시기 바랍니다.
콘텐츠 관리 담당: 교무학생처 031-589-1500