2012-1 Closing Workshop Notice
2012-1 Closing Workshop
1. The closing WS will be the time of self-reflection on individual achievements of the semester and to share each other's testimonies.
2. Workshop period: 2012 June 8 - 9 (2 days WS)
2012 June 12 - 15 (Academic festival, Midnight prayer, unity activity)
3. Places of events: CP training center, Cheongshim graduate school multi-purpose room, CheonSeong mountain (Mt. Jangrak)
4. Participants: Master and doctoral students
게재된 자료의 내용 또는 운영에 대한 개선 사항이 있을 시 자료관리 담당자에게 연락하시기 바랍니다.
콘텐츠 관리 담당: 교무학생처 031-589-1500