Examination of Dissertation (Doctoral course)
Examination of
(2012. 3. 26)
I. Doctoral course
1. Student : D.Min 4th, Th.D 6th, Complete.
2. Period : 2012. Mar. 26 (Mon) ~ 30 (Fri)
3. Process: Submitting 1)~3)to Student affairs Office
1) Application of Examining thesis/dissertation(get a signature of counseling professor)
2) Prejudging Thesis/Dissertation 5 volumes
3) Receipt of Examining fee: 500,000won
Wooribank 1005-301-213155, Account holder: 청심신학대학원대학교,
Depositor Note - ex)name, amount of money
4.Preparing 20 copies of thesis/dissertation summary (A4 size, more than 5pages)
5. You can confirm the schedule on School homepage
Applying Thesis/Dissertation Examination -> Public presentation -> Judgement(1st, 2nd)
-> Announcement of successful candidate
청심신학대학원대학교 교무처
게재된 자료의 내용 또는 운영에 대한 개선 사항이 있을 시 자료관리 담당자에게 연락하시기 바랍니다.
콘텐츠 관리 담당: 교무학생처 031-589-1500