
영성과 지성을 겸비한 천일국의 지도자 양성의 요람! 선학UP대학원대학교



작성자 : 공동계정   /   작성일 : 19-06-10 11:48   /   조회 : 21,512


Experiencing God: Love in Action

     Dr. Grace Selover

We all want to know God. That is why we are here at the seminary to learn about God: to ‘talk about God’ – study theology, to ‘talk to God’ – pray or meditate. We try to understand who God is, what kind of character God has, how to relate to God, and so on.

Simply speaking, God told us: “God is Love.”  Those who want to know God have to love. In other words, those who do not love do not know God. We have to love in order to know God; simple as that. By loving, we are able to know and understand God, even to experience God.

Our True Parents love God, nature and the people. Our True Parents love everything God created. True Father said:

I became a completely different person when I began to love God. I loved humanity more than myself and was more concerned with the problems of others than the problems of my family. I loved everything that God created. I deeply loved the trees on the hills and the fish in the waters. My spiritual senses developed so I could discern God’s handiwork in all things of creation. (As a Peace-Loving Global Citizen, English version, page327, 평화를 사랑하는 세계인으로, p. 361)

True Father loves everything God created, but, most of all, he loves the people. He wants to be the person who can give happiness to people.

We learn about the 10 Commandments in the Old Testament. But Jesus made it simple. Jesus brought the 2 commandments: (Mark 12:30-31,성경 마가복음 12:30-31).

1.       Love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.

2.       Love your neighbors as much as yourselves.

Who are our neighbors? This neighbor means everybody, anybody with whom you come in contact, such as your friends, family members, roommates, colleagues, associates.

We watched a video clip together: “Love your Neighbors: A Turquoise Table” (Expressing God’s Love), under the setting:


At the end of the video, the lady emphasizes something very important: by loving her neighbors, it shows her how to love God better; it draws her into a closer relationship with God.

From this story, it tells very clearly who our neighbors are and how to treat them.

Indeed, by loving God through loving our neighbors, we will be able to feel God. By loving the people around, us, sharpening our spiritual antenna, we will be able to experience God. We will be able to experience this invisible God and make God’s love tangible to us and to the world.

We are the children of God; like Father, like son; like Mother, like daughter.  We are meant to partake in God’s divine nature. Aju!!! 






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