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영성과 지성을 겸비한 천일국의 지도자 양성의 요람! 선학UP대학원대학교

채플 동영상

수요예배 - "Seeing with Two Eyes" 셀로버 교수님 (20150527)

작성일 : 15-05-28 00:00   /   조회 : 14,969


수요예배 - "Seeing with Two Eyes" 셀로버 교수님 (20150527) 水曜礼拝 - "Seeing with Two Eyes" セレバー教授 (20150527) Wednesday Service - "Seeing with Two Eyes" Prof.Selover (20150527) Seeing with Two Eyes 설교: 셀로버 교수님 Everyone has 2 eyes. With only one eye, we cannot see clearly but because we have 2 eyes, we are able to have depth perception and clarity. This is applicable in 3 traditions: Buddhism, Christianity, and with True Parents' teachings. It was Buddha's birthday recently and it was a celebration open to all. Korea is a special place since they celebrate both Buddha's and Jesus's birthdays. If we take a look at Buddha's teachings, there are 2 main aspects: wisdom and compassion. Wisdom is discernment of knowing what is right, and compassion is shown through service activity and personal attitude. These two things are intimately related; more wisely we see, more compassionate we become. When True Mother arrived in New York, she had a celebration for 2 events, 1000th day after True Father’s SungHwa and True Mother’s return from Europe. Even from Hoon Dok Hae, we can see that True Father and True Mother have difference in length, style, and mood. True Father is the teacher of the Divine Principle and emphasized the importance of public projects. True Mother is more regal and royal, emphasizing the building of the church and healing of the families. We need to see with both eye of wisdom and eye of compassion because they are both necessary and they go together. Even though True Mother had strong words for the American Church, she was embracing and loving. We receive from both parents wisely and compassionately and we need to reflect that back to True Parents as embodiment of word and spirit. Let not our hearts be troubled. Let us rejoice, and see Heavenly Parent, True Parents, brothers and sisters and ourselves, with both eyes!
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