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영성과 지성을 겸비한 천일국의 지도자 양성의 요람! 선학UP대학원대학교

채플 동영상

수요예배 - "Are We Truly Prepared?" 칼슨 교수님(20150401)

작성일 : 15-04-02 00:00   /   조회 : 15,261


"Are We Truly Prepared?" Prof. Carlson (20150401) "우리는 정말로 준비돼 있느냐?" 칼슨 교수님 (20150401) "われわれは本当に準備されているか?" カールソン教授 (20150401) Are We Truly Prepared? Dr. David Carlson “The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways; the point is to change it.” Karl Marx From the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and the Reformation brought about the modern age. Then how can we go from here to Cheon Il Guk? We have learned a lot about the Abel world from our movement and teachings but our understanding of the Cain world is lacking. True Father said in 1958 that a) communism will decline b) that spirit (from the communists) would enter the Arab world c) and oppose the Western world again. This seems to be true in the modern age. As good the Abel side is to the world, the Cain side is just as bad and we see that in the example of honor killings around the world. There is a highly organized demonic spirits in the spirit world and they seem to be changing the world into a place that many of us feel uncomfortable in, into a world devoid of God. There are many –isms, such as racism, evolutionism, classism, and liberalism, through which the demonic force is working. The same demonic force is working in the legal systems, educational systems, political systems, economy and media. This is not to instill paranoia but we need to be sensitively aware that there is an evil presence in every sector of society. The communist strategy was not to start a violent reform but to initiate internal demoralization which would lead to a progressive surrender. We see this in the American society. Legalization of drugs, sexual revolution, gay lifestyle, family and family values being under attack, Christianity and Christian values being under attack, educational spheres, political system, and economy: they all seem to be unrelated but there is a single demonic force behind the these changes. We, as Blessed Families, need to be prepared; we are not as well equipped in our beliefs, values, and lifestyles as we need to be. We have answers to all social problems in the Divine Principle, Unification Theology, and True Parents’ words and we need to present ourselves as the solution. Unification Theology is not just sound values. It is the absolute standard of values. Good people need to take responsibility and educate others. That is why True Mother has been emphasizing witnessing. While the Cain-type mentality is trying to change the world for the worse, we as the representative of Abel-type mentality must play a vital role in the new transformation into Cheon Il Gook.
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