"Dae Mo Nim's motto" Pr.David A.Carlson (20121113)
"Dae Mo Nim's motto" Pr.David A.Carlson
DMN’s formula for success
At start of CP, she was uncertain about many things, and God told her:
“Do it with Truth
True love
Based on fact without falseness
with Sacrifice and Devotion
and Diligently
If you do this then I shall work on you”
This has almost a “mythic” character
Truth – every day read HDH and F’s words
Love – invest, forget, invest again
Fact – satanic world filled with falsity, opinion, misconception, illusion, “unreality”
The “snake” in the corner
Anything other than objective fact is falseness
TF: people are deluded into believing that the fallen world is our lifeline
DMN is the only person who sees the “world” in the “true” sense
Sacrifice – her efforts in the beginning (including the tests)
Devotion – never be distracted
Diligence - never give up
This “advice” applies to us as well
Generally speaking:
Our responsibility – G does 95% I have 5%
But that is 100% of my effort; “I” must fulfill my 5%
Who is “I”?
The Prov of Rest is “mine”
I mentioned the “mythic” character of this advice G gave to DMN
This advice is also to me
We are “culture heroes”
We pray, we do conditions, we make effort, but then we go out with “wishful thinking”
We believe that God, ancestors, angels, etc. will help us
This in a sense pollutes our determination
“I worked so hard, but I had no result”
Pray as if G will do everything; work as if I have to do everything
We must go with the attitude that there is no God, no TPs, no angels, no ancestors
You must invest God’s love and the power of your
life into all the nations. As you do so, God will never
answer your questions, and He will pretend that He
does not see what you are doing. God cannot interfere.
He will not interfere until your investment is complete.
What is the human portion of responsibility? It means
attaining completion on your own, doesn’t it? Similarly,
when you go forward with prayer, God does not interfere.
It is really strange, but God sometimes even opposes you.
(*CSG, 1218)
If we work with the attitude that it is all on my shoulders, then G, TPs, ancestors will work
If we go out with wishful thinking, we are using a “crutch”
Rather like Marx’s accusation: religion is the opiate of the masses!
One member in England: blessed couples who liberate and bless ancestors, but these ancestors cannot help us, unless we make the conditions for them
In the Bible, Tamar was ready to risk death
DMN, esp with the ice melting, determined to do it, even if she died
She must have the same determination
TF: many life and death situations
Jesus said those who live shall die, and those die shall live. In this meaning, we can face a life or death situation with regards to our ego, our pride, our honor, our dignity, or our ambitions.
The Crown of Glory illustrates this same attitude
Our life should be a work of art: people should be attracted to us
Is our fallen nature attractive?
To fulfill our responsibility, we must train ourselves in diplomacy, negotiation, service, how to talk, walk, and work
DMN always such a nice smile; etc.
We can receive this same advice from God and apply it to my life and then I can fulfill my responsibility
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