채플 동영상

영성과 지성을 겸비한 천일국의 지도자 양성의 요람! 선학UP대학원대학교

채플 동영상

“The testimony by Mr. Deepak” (20120313)

작성일 : 12-04-17 00:00   /   조회 : 16,371


  Family background: Born in 1964 as a son of the Hinduist high priest, grew up in a Maoist-Communist environment. Believing that food, shelter and clothes were the only things that human beings needed, he did not believe in anything spiritual. Converted to Christianity as a high school boy particularly inspired by Jesus’ teaching in the Bible (Luke 4:1-13); that human beings do not only live by bread (physical food). Feeling there is indeed more to life than material goods, he became a devout Christian despite the persecution by both his school and family. He joined the church in 1985, greatly shaken by the contents of Ch 2 in the DP.
  1stturningpoint:His spiritual father was attacked and killed on his way to America to join the UTS. The incident caused Mr.Devkota great distress, but in 1989, the spiritual father appeared to him spiritually wearing a white robe. Mr. Devkota then promised his spiritual father to pursue the theological study instead of him. However, the promise was soon forgotten due to family life and work.
  2nd turning point: Year 2006, visit to CP. His spiritual father appeared to him after long time, reminding his spiritual son about the promise to study theology. Mr. Devkota decided not to go back to Japan, quit his job, and applied for the course in theology at CSGST, where he studied from 2007 to 2009.
  3rdturning point: Missionary to Grenada. Many obstacles kept him from entering the country (visa application and church reputation problems), but these were all solved very smoothly in miraculous ways. Main activities after immigration: Community building, VIP gatherings, witnessing, etc. Grenada is mainly Catholic (around 27 Christian denominations). Frequent use of the Bible when witnessing, great emphasis on the true nature of the human fall. The man who helped him to finally enter Grenada is a former spy, who has become the no. 1 UC member of the country. He is a person who possibly could become the next prime minister of Grenada in 2013. Let’s all keep that in our prayers.
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