채플 동영상

영성과 지성을 겸비한 천일국의 지도자 양성의 요람! 선학UP대학원대학교

채플 동영상

화요예배 Carlson교수님(20120911)

작성일 : 12-09-27 00:00   /   조회 : 17,304


(“It”) is finished (yes)…but we must go on! (“다”) 이루었지만…….우리 미래에 가야하죠! Our experiences with True Parents and True Father over the years TF seemed invincible (불멸이 보았다) 7 deaths and resurrections (죽음/부활) My biology background: medically, it was clear 의학적으로 마지막의 것 Spiritually: expecting some kind of heavenly grace, or miracle, or resurrection 영성적으로 하나님의 은혜; 경이; 부활 The shock and disbelief when TF ascended 참아버님께서 돌아가셨다는 이야기를 처음 들었을 때 충격을 받았습니다 When word came, TF suddenly became very “mortal” 갑자기 참아버님게서는 치명적으로 되었습니다 What is going to happen now? 지금부터 무엇이 일어 났습까? Many more small SMMs must now spring up 작은 문선명들 나와야 합니다. America, Japan,and Koreaa reallinter connected, acommonde stiny 미국, 일본, 한국 다 같은 운명에 있습니다. America (미국에 대해서), Communism (공산주의), External Encirclement + Internal Demoralization ==è Progressive Surrender When in college (SDS); communism was very strong; On most college campuses èTF’s long-time work (참아버님게서 오랫동안 일하고 있는 것) vs communism True Father and Ronald Reagan won the “cold war” against communism Noexternalencirclement èTF’s long-time work promoting family morality and God’s existence Have we succeeded? We did not succeed (yet) America hasbecomedemoralizedinternally It is progressively surrendering (rights and freedoms are being taken away) Kook Jin Nim is advocating “Freedom Society” now; very important Sadly, America’s senior pastor has resigned; our 2d gen will be very shocked One major problem: Cultural communism, 문화의공산주의 Like an insidious disease (잠행성질병와 닮믄) or a mental disease Evolution (no God); homosexuality (anti-family) Atheism (anti-church; anti-religion) Triviality: (no values): the popular news items in the past two weeks Universities (대학), liberal news media (뉴스미디어), literature (문학운동) Politics (정치), government (정부), philosophy (철학) Many politicians are “communist” (half the USgovernment) American political phenomena (communist strategy is evident) a) communists b) fellow-travelers c)sympathizersd)dupes Many American leaders, politicians, educators are sympathizers/dupes A culture war (문화전쟁); True Father, while he was on earth, was a “culture hero” we are culture heroes (우리들은 문화영웅있습니다) We cannot be asleep!!! (As were the disciples with Jesus) 우리는 잠 있어요? (예수님의 사도)? We must pick up where True Father left off True Father’s speech: We don’t follow the usual routine; we are not worldly We strive for the good; spiritually motivated We believe in God Let’s not “play church;” rather, we have to be busy about saving the world Autobio; WA; lift up our families and relatives, etc.
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